Managing display codes

Display codes provide a way to translate the different types of codes that are used in your database to more user-friendly labels that are displayed in Searching. For example, you might have a location code named “NB” that you may want to display as “North Branch” when Portfolio displays location information. This is especially helpful when differentiating between similar codes from multiple Discovery source sites.

To specify any display codes, you must first view the display codes based on whether they correspond to global or site-specific search fields. For example, you may want to designate multiple display codes for the “Format” search field to display more understandable format type names (such as the text “Electronic Resources” for the code “ER”).

If you want to configure global display codes, Portfolio allows you to edit the display codes for the Format and Language search fields.

If you add or edit a display code, you must refresh the Discovery search cache afterwards. Your changes are not reflected in Searching or the Admin console until you refresh the search cache. For more information about refreshing the Discovery search cache, see Refreshing the search cache.

This section explains these topics: